Be Smart: Plan your child’s future today! | Aviva India Skip to main content

Be Smart: Plan your child’s future today!

“I want to be a Ferrari race car driver when I grow up Mama and invent eco friendly fuel to run that car”, declares my 9 year old son one day.  As I inwardly smile and feel proud that I taught my son to “dream big” and not just settle for the stereotypes. I also realise how we as parents need to make sure that we are financially able to support these dreams. 
For that we need smart financial planning for the future. There are many financial plans available these days in the market. We have to look for one that is best suited for our pocket and ensure maximum benefits in the future.
Planning smart 
As we realise the importance of better and holistic education for our children, we also have to keep in mind the financials required to fulfill this. As the mindsets of people regarding the education scenario have changed so has the fee structure. We have to keep in mind international schools, extra coaching classes, and extracurricular activities in school, good colleges for later and post graduation options abroad or even in India. 
We have to make sure to do some smart financial planning so that our children’s future is secure. At any given point in his/her life, we are able to support their dreams for the future. And God forbid if the day comes that one of the parents is not there, let us make sure the dreams of our little heroes are fulfilled.
Financial Plans
There are many smart child plans offered by Aviva Life Insurance - whose motto is that education is insurance for a better future. Plans like Aviva Young Scholar Advantage and Aviva Young Scholar Secure are tailor-made to support your child’s education. While one plan make helps you to accumulate wealth that will help you to support your child’s education at every step and your child will continue to receive the funds even if you are not there. The second plan helps to provide financial security at every milestone of a child’s education. From tuition fees that will be got till your child is 17 years old and lump sum amounts when your child joins college and later at the postgraduate level.
While death is an inevitable truth, planning for the future will ensure that the big and beautiful dreams we are allowing our kids to dream are fulfilled even if we are not there. This will give us an opportunity to live each day of our lives filled with love, laughter and life knowing that our child’s future is fully secure.
In the end, this song comes to my mind – Har pal yahaan jee bhar jiyo, kal yeh sama phir ho na ho (Lets live every moment of our life as it’s the last)!

– By Sammy Sahni

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