5 gifts that can light up someone's Christmas | Aviva India Skip to main content

5 gifts that can light up someone's Christmas

‘Tis the season to be jolly! The year has almost come to an end, and the holiday season is upon us! Yes, it’s that time of the year already - the time to celebrate with family and friends, exchange gifts, and indulge in mouthwatering feasts!

However, the holiday season is not just about enjoying and merrymaking; it’s also about spreading love and cheer with others and making their Christmas a merry one. Here are five ways to light up someone else’s Christmas!

1. Make Christmas dinner for the needy

Not everyone is wealthy and fortunate enough in life to decorate their own Christmas tree and prepare an elaborate Christmas dinner. And that is precisely why they would appreciate a hearty meal from the core of their heart. Be the harbinger of that joy to them - make a Christmas meal for the needy, be it orphans, or the elderly, or the poor community in your locality. Your kind gesture would not only light up their Christmas but it would also remind them that they’re not forgotten.

2. Spread a smile on the innocent faces - be a storyteller

Every locality has a library and you could put it to good use by arranging a storytelling event for the needy kids in your society. In an age where children are growing up with smartphones, your gesture of reading stories to children would be a wonderful idea.

Maybe you could read traditional Christmas stories to the kids. You could even jazz them up your way and get across the morals of the Christmas stories in a fun way.

3. Donate your gift to someone in need

During Christmas, time gifts keep on piling, but you have to agree - not all gifts are of use to you. However, the same gifts can be of immense value to someone else in need. For instance, you could give away that fruit punch bowl your distant aunt gave you or the sweater that your third cousin gave you.

Rather than keeping these locked up in a box or throwing them away, you could gift them to someone who can use them.

4. Dedicate a portion of your day for charity work

It is a known fact that Christmas is a time when charitable organizations are flooded with projects. And hence, additional help is always welcome. So, why not dedicate your Christmas morning towards doing volunteer work for local charities?

Since any and every form of helpful gesture is appreciated at charitable institutions, make sure that you put forth your best!

5. Donate for a good cause

There are numerous NGOs and charities that are always looking forward to donations. You could contribute to such institutions and help further their cause. It could either be in cash or kind (for instance, old clothes, old TV or music player, basically anything that is still in good condition and can be used by others).

So, there you go - these five simple gestures from your side can make someone else’s Christmas brighter and filled with love. For remember, there’s no greater joy than the joy of sharing, caring, and giving!

May your holiday season be filled with happiness and joy!

Nov 11/18

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