Dussehra: Let the Best Prevail in Your Life | Aviva India Skip to main content

Dussehra: Let the Best Prevail in Your Life

I hope you’ll agree when I say, life is a vibrant rhapsody of experiences. Some days it brings to us what we need most and other days, what we despise most. Of course, though all understanding depends on one’s outlook towards living, nonetheless, one can’t ignore how these experiences help us grow as an individual. They have the power to make or break someone. 
It is almost daily that we come face to face with some obstacle be it related to work, finance, social or personal life, or something just looming across the corner. The spirit of life is such that it truly challenges one in their pursuit to become secured with contentment and a sense of protection.  

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Similar was the case of disciplined Lord Ram, he faced many obstacles when he was sent to exile along with his wife, Sita and brother, Lakshman. And, the cherry on the top was when Goddess Sita, was kidnapped by the demon king, Ravana. Though her rescue made up for a fine mythological story, full of most valuable teachings it had much more to offer. The most profound lesson it taught was that life is challenging. If it were challenging for the Gods then how can mere humans be spared? And, at the end, good thinking and goodness are sure to make a win.
Now, as humans, it is our inherent nature to dream, to evolve, and to build a brighter future for our coming generations. We are always on the move trying to improve our lifestyles though constantly wallowing in worrisome thoughts about the future. So, what should one do in the event of testing times? We can’t pull out our swords or use magical warfare and spells to win over such situations and heal. 
Hence, in today’s world, is it really possible to be content and be protected at all times? Not possible.

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As the lesson of Dussehra continues – Good prevails over evil. So, is an illness any less than any evil or a mishap or unexplained? Can these be considered any less than calamity? Yes! If one is prepared and ready to face it all well in advance, but, how?
Insurance! Insurance empowers the common man to achieve lifestyle security. This composite financial empowerment that insurance brings strengthens one’s aspirations to achieve all their hearts desires. Remember, with insurance, protection is never far from immediate reach. Be it life insurance, medical insurance, consumers can opt for any type of insurance and be assured to build a secured financial legacy for themselves and their loved ones.
Hence, one must choose wisely the best insurance plan which is suitable to their needs. Any uncertainty can be tackled with dignity with the help of a well-defined insurance coverage protection plan. You can sit down to plan with a seasoned insurance agent to understand the various insurance schemes. He/she will also detail how insurance can keep you and your family in God’s beaming grace forever. 

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So, let no obstacle, whatsoever destroy, hamper or delay the fulfilment of yours & your beloved one’s wishes. Invest wisely in an insurance policy this Dussehra and let the power of goodness win over all evil miscreants. Have a happy Dussehra today, tomorrow and always. Let the best prevail in your life!


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