3 tips to help you kick-start your New Year! | Aviva India Skip to main content

3 tips to help you kick-start your New Year!

The New Year is here! That means another year of opportunities and loads of possibilities to realize your true worth! But unless you have a proper outlook towards achieving your goals, they will remain resolutions without being actualized. So here are our best tips to make the best of the year to come - if you follow these tips sincerely, you’ll be able to follow all your resolutions easily!

Tip #1: Make your lifestyle a healthy one

Wanting to lead a better lifestyle - one which doesn’t take a toll on your body - is often on the list of most people’s new year resolutions. But few possess the wherewithal to continue after a couple of weeks, once the craze of “healthy” and “organic” food is over.

But how to continue in the face of a seemingly unchangeable routine? It’s simple. You alter the routine - just slightly - to allow you just a little bit more freedom. For instance, you can make it a point to walk more each and every day to the mode of transportation you take while you reach office. If you go by car, then park it further away than you usually do to put in just a few more steps!

To have more chances of working out regularly, you can also join a workout group - this will ensure that the members in the group motivate each other so that every day shows up more often than they would!

Tip #2: Prioritize family time

With the mad rush of deadlines and the inevitably high expectations placed on every working individual, it can be quite tough to take time out to enjoy with your loved ones. To make an attempt to amend this, you can start by keeping one day fixed just to take them out for a weekend brunch, or even dinner! Take a Saturday or Sunday of your choosing from the month (the more weeks you can do this the better!) and you’ll find yourself a lot saner after these meetings than you do otherwise.

While this may not result directly in a tangible outcome, over a period of time, as you find your support systems becoming stronger, you will find yourself more at peace than you’ve ever been. And you’ll also be able to contribute to work in a more healthy way than ever - and that’s when you’ll really feel the difference!

Tip #3: Don’t ignore financial security

Once you’ve already accounted for your emotional and physical health, it’s time to think about the third factor that’s just as important as the other two - financial health!

Not only is it important to invest in financial products that meet your short- or long-term needs, it’s also important to consider the condition in which your family will be caught unawares should something untoward befall you.

A new year is not just an occasion to think about yourself in different terms - the same can also be said about your loved ones! So make this new year also a year for new life, and affirming this new life. Think about the life of your child and all the wonderful ways in which they can continue to grow!

Take a look at some of Aviva’s Child Insurance plans, for instance, which provide you with an optimum mix of security as well as returns - all to account for the future education of your child! In Aviva Young Scholar Secure, in case of any unfortunate circumstance concerning the insured parents, there is a full waiver on all future premiums, while in Aviva Young Scholar Advantage, not only do your future premiums get waived, you also get a lump sum payment to cover your initial financial needs. There’s a lot more to these plans, which you can get know in detail if you go check them out!


To Conclude: Pace Yourselves

With all the tips we’ve mentioned, one thing is absolutely imperative to keep in mind - the fact that drastic changes do not happen overnight. If you want to plan for your future and do so in a sustainable way, you will have to put in effort slowly, over a long period of time. And if you are able to do this, then, without doubt, you will reap massive returns over many, many years!

With that being said, may you have the happiest year to come! Happy 2019 to us all!


Jan 5/19

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