Financial Tips For Single Women | Aviva India Skip to main content

Financial Tips For Single Women

Financial management becomes easier when there’s a team (for example, a married couple) involved. This is because often the responsibilities are shared between spouses, which makes expenses and savings, both, easier to manage. However, for single individuals, rather single women, financial management can become a very tedious task.

With a shift in lifestyle choices, being single has increasingly become a matter of pure choice. This is especially true for women living in major cities who choose to focus on their career rather than the matrimonial aspect, for as long as possible. While they soar high in the professional world, it is important to have a very strong and efficient financial plan in place. Having an efficacious savings plan is indispensable for a secure future.

To help you save better and find the perfect balance in your financial life, we bring to you, a curated list of parameters that are bound to help you save better and even make well-informed investment decisions:

  • Have A Planned Budget In Place

The first and the most important part of any effective saving plan is to have an efficient and realistic budget in place. Keeping track of real-time expenses and your income is a habit you simply cannot afford not to have.

An efficient budget will ensure that you do not spend beyond means and actually, are able to save efficiently. This will further help your savings corpus grow effectively over time and help you deal with unexpected emergency situations with ease. Savings, after all, are the first step towards true financial independence.

  • Invest In Insurance Plans

Whether you are a single woman supporting her own needs, a single mother, or even someone supporting your family, it is essential that you have some sort of insurance plan in place. An insurance plan that provides adequate coverage along with additional maturity benefits will not only help secure your family’s future but also help you meet all your aspirations. Often, insurance plans also come with Medicare benefits, which further ensures a safe and financially secure life for you, even in case of unforeseen circumstances.

  • Develop And Religiously Follow An Investment Plan

 A number of insurance companies like Aviva offer a host of insurance-cum-investment policies, that in addition to the insurance benefits, allow your funds to grow at a stable rate. Such policies can prove to be an effective investment plan and help your savings grow with time.

  • Brush Up Your Tax Knowledge

Chances are, if you are salaried, you have a professional handling your taxes. However, it is equally important for you to stay abreast with the latest tax updates and find out about tax deductions which are applicable to your current status.

Tax deductions play a vital role in your overall savings and can boost your investment plan, as well. So, even if you have a highly acclaimed tax professional at your service, it is important for you to be knowledgeable about the latest tax reforms.

  • Invest In Annuity Plan

An annuity or retirement plan will help ensure that you not only fulfill your current financial goals while living your life to its fullest but also secure your golden years. As a single woman, especially if a single mother, it is indeed very important to ensure the sanctity and financial stability of your retirement nest. Thus, investing in a retirement plan that allows you to save efficiently for those wonderful sunny years of your life is another indispensable part of a good financial strategy.

These tips, though simple, are highly efficient and need to be engrained in your current savings plan. As a single woman, your life comes down to your choices. Your decisions will not only determine your present but also set the path for your financial future - with or without a partner. This makes an effective investment and savings plan one of the most important aspects of your financial life.



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Jun 42/19

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