Gift your loved ones a financially independent future | Aviva India Skip to main content

Gift your loved ones a financially independent future

As a part of the Indian culture, the tradition of gifting holds a special significance. Gifting is a special gesture that showcases the bond of love, concern, and closeness among the relations. Be it any occasion like birthday, anniversary or festivals, a perfect gift to your loved ones is always appreciated and cherished by them. Ever wondered about gifting financial security to your loved ones for a lifetime? Financial safety and independence of your family are of utmost importance and you struggle and work hard to provide the same as long as you are with them.

One of the most relevant gifts to ensure a financial safety net to your family is through a Life Insurance Policy. A life insurance policy helps you to fulfill the short term or long term financial goals of your loved ones through a disciplined saving mechanism in the form of a regular premium payout. There are various kinds of life insurance plans like a term insurance plan, child plans, retirement plans, investment plans which would act as a prudent gift to your loved ones by providing them the means to fulfill their financial goals with a robust financial arrangement.

Insurance Policy would fit as the most “appropriate gift” in the following manner:

  1. Creates Legacy:

    Gifting a child insurance plan to your child or grandchildren would enable them to accomplish their dreams with a planned financial arrangement. It will act as a stepping stone to their bright future by supporting them at various milestones in the journey of their education without any outside dependence. Regular money backs in the form of a lumpsum payout under a child plan will help to sponsor their school tuition fees, college fees, higher education fees. Waiver of future premium benefit will ensure that the policy will continue without any hindrance in case of the death of an insured parent as well.

  2. An investment in the future:

    We all work hard to accomplish the dreams and aspirations of our dear ones. There are certain milestones and financial goals that have been set by you and your family and you look forward to achieving them in the future. Gifting your family an investment-oriented insurance plan would act as a bridge to attain the future objectives in a planned way. An investment life insurance plan comes with guaranteed protection in the form lumpsum claim payout in case of your untimely death. Thus, gifting an insurance policy helps to build a robust corpus or fund to attain the financial objectives of your dear ones.

  3. Show you care:

    Sometimes it is important to let your loved ones know that you care for them wholeheartedly. Health insurance plans such as critical illness plans will act as a perfect gift to show your love for them. Some plans also compensate for the loss of income in the event of critical illness. Multiple claims can also be taken under such a policy.

  4. Create Memories:

    Our parents are our best well-wishers. They work throughout their lifetime to provide us with the best of everything. Reciprocating what they have done for us may not be possible or quantifiable. But ensuring that they live their retired life with the same financial independence and self-esteem is possible by gifting them a retirement plan. Retirement plans will ensure them with a fixed pension income to maintain the same lifestyle even in the post-retirement phase.

Gift a key of happiness and financial independence to your loved ones in the form of an insurance policy to unlock their dreams and aspirations.

AN Oct 37/17

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