Inspire Your Child to Dream Big this Cricket World Cup 2019 | Aviva India Skip to main content

Inspire Your Child to Dream Big this Cricket World Cup 2019

Dreaming is a good habit. Dreaming big is an art. Your little one is presently discovering how the world works. The moment a child begins making an approximate sense of the worldly reality, he/she will instinctively begin looking for a place for themselves in it. This is when the dreams, aspirations, spirit and the mind of a child comes into sync. As parents, you can streamline their thought process to teach them the art of dreaming big!

World Cup 2019 has kick started in very high spirits. As the cricket fever engulfs every nook and corner of India, why not take the opportunity to accomplish your mission?

Cricket World Cup 2019 is the perfect chance for parents to inspire their child to dream big, and leave a mark on the world as they mature.

This is exactly what we will discuss in this post. But, before we give you the insights and ‘know-how’ on the subject, let us get our basics clear.

Do you need to make this effort?

Young minds are highly impressionable. For a kid, whatever events occur within the family, the school, the world, and even in dreams affect them for life. Moreover, an event like the World Cup is all over the news and a common talk. Maybe your child is into cricket, maybe not. The point is to inspire them with positivity.

Let us see how!

Glorify Victory

As a busy working parent, you might have already fulfilled your responsibility of planning your Child’s education needs in the future. You may very well be investing towards a Child Education Plan. Though, a little more engagement will do wonders for your kid. During every world cup match, tell them about the essence of victory and what role hard work plays in it. Take a note of these;

  • Tell them about how hard the cricketers work to win
  • Talk to them about important leadership qualities in a human being. Most importantly, tell them about how the greatest cricketers are some of the most humble people in the country.
  • Do not present victory as a ‘requisite’ for a happy life. However, you’ll have to frame the ‘Victory Game’ as a glory, an award that can only come with hard work and determination.
  • Most importantly, do not forget to enjoy the match. Those moments are precious.

Read More :- Plan for your child’s future education expenses

Time for Legendry Cricket Stories

Storytelling is the most effective tool for ‘human learning factor’ known to us. Kids, especially, love to listen to and tell stories. While you are at it, dazzle your child with legendry stories of some of the greatest cricketers ever. You can even hop onto other fields and domains too! Dada’s story of waving his jersey, the time India won the world cup with team effort, or the story of Kapil Paaji are just some plausible and will leave a positive mark in your youngling’s mind. Highlight the hardships these men had to endure and how they overcame it.

Careful though, your kid might impress his/her friends with all the stories that you tell (Just kidding!) Without even realizing, you will be turning your World Cup Fiesta into a wonderful learning opportunity for your child.

Inculcate a Sense of Accountability in them

The Cricket Team would be able to really tell how ‘criticism’ feels when they lose. Only the Indian Cricket Team Captain would know what ‘pressure’ actually is. Accountability makes people do great things when the time is right.

You have got to tell your child about the significance of ‘Accountability,’ a quality that will help them through every phase of life. Make this a fun exercise. Ask your kids to predict the wining team. Then, if their prediction is correct, ask them who deserves the credit. Do the same if the team they predicted to win loses.

Reframe their Achievements in Cricket Context

As a parent, you are the prime motivator for your child. They will always look up to you for support until they grow up. So, in the high spirits of World Cup 2019, recall your kid’s achievements, no matter how big or small they are. You must tell them that you are proud of them.

Most importantly, you’ll have to communicate this to your precious;

That, I am blessed to have you, and proud of you. You can be anything in life that you want. A Cricketer, a scientist, a Race driver, or an Astronaut. Just remember to dream big and stay happy in life.

Also, take the test at Aviva Kidoscope to see if cricket is their inherent talent! This world cup, give your child the opportunity to believe that one day, the world will cheer for them for their great work.  

Jun 83/19

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