Life may not be in your control, finances can! Say Hello to Life with Aviva! | Aviva India Skip to main content

Life may not be in your control, finances can! Say Hello to Life with Aviva!

If you had to define life in one word, what would it be? What would you say? How would you sum up its essence?

Grand, beautiful, a struggle, or satisfying? Or would your choice be some quote, a sher by Gulzar, or maybe these lines:

‘Zindagiiiii… kaise se paheli haaye. Kabhi toh hasaaye, kabhi ye rulaaye.’

When Rajesh Khanna sang these lines on the beach in the movie Anand, we sure could sing along with him right after hearing the song once. Because why wouldn’t we? Isn’t that what life is? A paheli and a mystery that is always unpredictable.

The pendulum of life and us

Sometimes, we feel equipped to handle the mystery of life. We have money in the bank, the car loan is surely being paid off, and there are no pressing concerns or responsibilities that loom urgently over us.

On some days, however, things can take a turn for the worse or maybe we sit and list out all that needs to be sorted (a retirement, house, marriage).

On such days, we can get panicky and overwhelmed. So much to do with only rough ideas about how to do it. And what about all the things that can’t be predicted? Emergency health conditions, an accident, a legal case… not a very pretty lane to travel down.

How does one prepare? How does one accept life but also navigate it intelligently still?

Answer: Investments. Timely and wise investments that protect and guarantee your finances.

Money does not buy happiness but it safeguards it

As per this IndiaSpend article, 988 million Indians (75% of the population) are NOT covered by any form of life insurance. Those who are covered, are insured for only 7.8% of the amount needed in case of an emergency/ crisis.

The ignorance of the benefits of insurance is not contained only within rural India. Only 1 out of 5 urban Indians has bought a term insurance policy. 22% of urban Indian youth don’t buy a life insurance policy because of other investments. These are alarming numbers for a country where technology and education have been revolutionary in creating a new progressive paradigm.

So, yes, money does not ensure happiness. But, it gives one a chance to protect it. For every plan that people have for their and their oved ones lives, like-

  • Primary education
  • Higher education
  • Marriage
  • Planning a family
  • Buying a house
  • Buying a car
  • Travelling
  • Self owning a business
  • Retirement

Don't you think, that with all these plans, comes a factor that life could throw at you? Thta factor is SURPRISE. Sometimes good, sometimes great, sometimes not so much. 

So for all the plans you have for life, and the surprises life has for you, greet it with a Hello! And the best way to do that and embrace this uncertainty is by having a cushion, safegaurding your loved ones and keeping them at bay always. This safegaurd is Insurance. Plan your finances in way that you can save, invest as well as benefit finallicialy when things aren't all rosy. And what better way to do that than Insurance? 

Saying Hello to Life through Investment plans

The sooner one starts to plan their finances, its distribution, and savings, the quicker one can become financially stable and build up a corpus.

It was while dwelling on this unpredictability and seeing it come up for clients again and again that we, at Aviva, decided to tackle this head-on. Thus, the Aviva Hello Life campaign was born.

In a nutshell, Hello Life embodies the essence of being prepared for the surprises that life brings. This is done through a variety of saving and investment plans that are categorized as follows:

Each of these is a crucial sphere where money needs to be spent and saved. But, none of that money is going to be spent and saved if YOU don’t plan for it well in time.

How to say Hello to Life with Aviva

For all the plans that you have for your life at every stage, Aviva has an array of the right insurance (combined with investment) plans to get you covered. Aviva is here to help you to plan a better tomorrow and take care of the surprising (unpredictability) of life through the following schemes:






All the above plans can be used for SME financial planning, a combination of savings, wealth, protection that business owners choose for all their stakeholders. To know more, explore our SME World for detailed solutions.

Each of the above plans has the sole purpose of safeguarding you, your family, and your future as best and as early as possible. The procedure for all is almost the same: you pick a plan, choose a premium amount, and enjoy the benefits depending on when you’ll be able to access the matured/ maturing amount as per the plan chosen!

So, what are you waiting for?

It’s time to stop fearing life and it’s uncertainties.

It’s time to stop making life a worry fest and take back control! The more wisely you manage and invest your finances, the more rewards you’ll reap in the long run.

It’s to say Hello, Life now and to say it confidently. Once and for all.

You with us? Then, get in touch today!

AN Jan 72/20

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