Quit Smoking for a Healthy Life - Health Tips | Aviva India Blog Skip to main content

Quit Smoking for a healthy life

Being human, we are all prone to picking up one or another habit, good or bad. Reasons could be many, like inclination towards that particular habit, influence from surrounding factors, peer pressure, etc. Depending on their nature, our habits can either make us or break us.

While inculcating good habits come with multiple benefits; picking up vices, on the other hand, can have some severe repercussions for both your mental and physical health and wellbeing. Nicotine addiction is one such vice which becomes difficult to shake off. Smoking cigarettes is the top risk factor for lung cancer and can lead to a myriad of health issues including lung infections, throat irritations, blood clots, heart diseases, etc.

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Cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients, and when lit, generate more than 7,000 chemicals which are not only poisonous but can also lead to several complications and damage that can last for years. Moreover, smoking not only affects the smoker but also indirectly affects the health of a non-smoker who’s around you by way of second-hand smoke. It's time you kick the butt for good.


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It is only a myth that you can never quit smoking. You only need some willpower and motivation to ditch this vice and start enjoying a happy and healthy life once again. You may be surprised to know that once you quit smoking, your body begins to repair itself. If you are a smoker looking for inspiration to quit, you have come to the right place. Take a look at some of the benefits listed below.


Focus On The Benefits

According to a study, published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research, - the link between happiness and smoking cessation is strong. Giving up smoking relieves symptoms of depression, and it is only a myth to believe that smoking eases anxiety.

When you kick the butt, the biggest advantage is that you start feeling better about yourself. It may take more than one try to quit smoking. No matter how many weeks it takes you to quit smoking, you finally give up for good. The key is not to give up as the sense of accomplishment and pride you will feel after you quit smoking will prove to be one of the most rewarding things you will ever end up doing.

Economic Impact

When you quit smoking, it not only improves your health; but also leads to a fatter wallet. Simply put the money you save when you quit, and the amount of can surprisingly be huge. You can easily analyze the financial impact of quitting with an online calculator. Additionally, you might not be aware of the fact that non-smokers get the benefit of enjoying lower premiums while opting for life insurance and health insurance.

Social Impact

Quitting smoking can lead to a substantial improvement in the quality of your life along with improved immunity. Imagine, you will no longer have to deal with bad breath or smelly clothes. You will also no longer have to excuse yourself and leave social occasions intermittently just to have a smoke break. Additionally, quitting cigarettes will make you indulge in all types of physical activities. You will also be able to experience better vision, and sharper hearing as your senses will improve.

Improvement In Your Appearance

Did you know that your smoking habit can cause gum disease, result in loss of teeth, promote cavities and even lead to oral cancer? When you give up smoking, you will be able to witness a significant improvement in your overall oral health along with fresher breath. Further, your skin will be able to ‘breathe’ more easily and look visibly fresher and smoother. Quitting also means delaying the appearance of wrinkles as your skin because it will now receive more nutrients, including oxygen.

Reduces The Risk Of Chronic Diseases

The biggest advantage when you quit smoking is that it helps in reducing the risk of chronic diseases considerably. Upon quitting smoking, the incidence and progression of lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema are hugely reduced. Moreover, you instantly cut down the risk of getting a heart attack. You are also effectively reducing the risk of contracting diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke. You might also notice that your heart rate is returning to normal along with several positive changes in blood pressure readings after giving up on this nasty habit.

Quitting Smoking – A Bridge Not Too Far

You may be one of those smokers who has made many unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking. Right? If yes, don’t despair and keep trying. There are several nicotine replacement products and prescription medications you can use to curb the cravings. It’s common to experience withdrawal symptoms but dealing with it head on is the best way to quit cigarette successfully. Go for a walk, speak to a friend or a family member, meditate, use positive self-talk or seek professional help if nothing else seems to work. In fact, seeking counseling, and medication can double the chances of you quit smoking successfully.

Besides, you can make use of a bunch of quitting strategies to make the transition easier. Resisting cravings and figuring out new methods to deal without cigarettes will yield benefits to your quality of life beyond what you can imagine. The takeaway here is to find the path that works best for you and sticking to it.

The Bottom Line

Remember, quitting cigarettes is a truly positive step – take this, and your body will thank you. Start your journey today because life after cigarettes is happier!

Source: http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking/smoking-facts/whats-in-a-cigarette.html
AN Feb 56/19

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