Child Insurance for Single Parents: Building a Strong Foundation | Aviva India Skip to main content

Child Insurance for Single Parents: Building a Strong Foundation

Ensuring the well-being of a child is a top priority for any parent, but for single parents, it often comes with unique challenges. Single parents are the sole providers and caregivers, and safeguarding their child's future is paramount. They face the dual responsibility of nurturing and financially supporting their children. However, child insurance can provide a strong foundation for their child's financial security.  Child insurance, in the form of life and education plans, not only acts as a safety net but also paves the way for a brighter future. 

Let's navigate this essential aspect of parenting, ensuring a stable and secure future for your child.

What is a Child Insurance Plan?

A child insurance plan is designed to secure your child's future. It works by providing a lump sum or periodic payouts when your child reaches a certain age or in case of unforeseen events. These plans are tailored to meet your child's various life stages and financial needs.

Child insurance plans offer financial protection and help you build a corpus for important milestones like education or marriage. They usually come with the dual benefit of insurance and investment. They safeguard your child's future even in your absence, assuring a secure future for them.

Investing in a child insurance plan is a thoughtful way to plan for your child's future, providing financial security and peace of mind for the years to come.

Types Of Child Insurance Plans 

Child insurance plans come in various types to cater to the diverse financial needs of single parents and their children:

  1. Child ULIP (Unit-Linked Insurance Plan):   
    This plan offers a three-fold advantage, combining high insurance coverage, regular investments, and participation in the equity market. In the unfortunate event of the parent's demise, the nominee child is entitled to the sum assured. Furthermore, future premium payments are waived, and the maturity value is paid at the policy's maturity date.   

    However, it's essential to note that the payouts during maturity are determined by the market, making it ideal for longer tenures, such as 10-15 years. ULIPs provide multiple investment fund options to maximise your returns.  
  2. Child Endowment Plans:   
    These plans invest your money in various debt products based on the insurance company's decisions. While the returns may not be exceptionally high, they offer guaranteed security due to their low-risk nature. Child endowment plans provide stable returns on your investments in the form of bonuses over the policy's sum assured.   

    Typically, bonuses on traditional insurance plans start being disbursed from the second year onwards. It's essential to check whether the bonuses are paid in cash compounded as reversionary bonuses or calculated with simple interest.  
  3. Regular Premium Child Plan:   
    Regular premium child plans allow flexibility in premium payments. Parents can choose to pay premiums monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly, based on their income and convenience. Due to the lower payment amounts and personalised payment schedules, this option suits many individuals.  
  4. Single Premium Child Plan:   
    These plans offer the convenience of paying the policy premium in a lump sum at the outset, covering the entire policy term. This eliminates the need to remember premium due dates and frees you from arranging finances for regular premium payments. Some insurance companies even offer discounts or reduce the premium amount for single-premium child insurance plans.

The Benefits of a Child Insurance Plan for Single Parents

The benefits of having a child insurance plan extend far beyond financial security. Some of the major benefits are listed below:

  • Financial Security: As a single parent, you are solely responsible for your child's financial needs. A child insurance plan ensures your child's financial future is secure in your absence. It provides a safety net and offers peace of mind.
  • Education Support: Single parents often worry about funding their child's education. With a child insurance plan, you can earmark funds for your child's education, ensuring they have access to quality schooling.
  • Medical Expenses: Kids can be accident-prone, and medical bills can increase quickly. Child insurance covers medical expenses, helping you afford quality healthcare for your child.
  • Future Planning: Single parents need to plan for the long term. Child insurance allows you to save systematically, ensuring a nest egg for your child's future needs.
  • Tax Benefits: Child insurance plans offer tax benefits, reducing your financial burden.  Under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, you can claim deductions of up to Rs. 1.5 lakh for your child's insurance premiums. Furthermore, the payouts are exempt from taxation under Section 10(10D), preserving your child's funds.
  • Financial Discipline: A child insurance plan encourages disciplined saving, teaching your child valuable financial lessons.
  • Legacy Planning: In the unfortunate event of your passing, a child insurance plan provides a financial legacy, offering a secure future for your child.
  • Customisation: You can tailor child insurance plans to meet your specific needs, ensuring they align with your financial goals.


Child insurance plans for single parents offer a secure and nurturing financial foundation for their children's future. With a range of plan types available, each tailored to specific needs and preferences, single parents can select the most suitable option. Whether it's the market-driven potential of a Child ULIP, the stability of Child Endowment Plans, the convenience of Regular Premium Child Plans, or the simplicity of Single Premium Child Plans, these policies ensure that financial security and well-being are never compromised.

With Aviva, you never have to compromise on your child's financial security and well-being. Start securing their future today with the comprehensive plans on offer!

AN Nov 3/23 


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