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  • June 16 2015


What it takes to become a World No.1 like Saina Nehwal

History was created in March 2015 when Saina Nehwal became the first ever Indian woman to reach the coveted No.1 spot in the World Badminton Rankings after her win at the Indian Open Super Series, creating a formidable legacy in her chosen sport of badminton and inspiring countless young kids who aspire to tread on her footprints.  
Gone are the days when playing sports was considered just a pastime, as strong performers are now being identified early on to train speci......

  • June 16 2015


A record breaking summer – how my kid learnt an important life lesson

Summer holidays are every mother’s nightmare. Either the kids are always outside courting a heatstroke and dehydration or they just are endlessly couch-surfing on Gameboy or television. 
So it was a joking (and partially sarcastic) remark that set off the chain of events that followed. One day, after silently seething through yet another marathon session of television watching, I remarked that maybe he should attempt a world record at continuous television watching; he......

  • June 16 2015


Specialist v/s All Rounder

Striking the right balance between academics and co –curricular activities, is the key to be a flourishing individual in life.
The kindergarten children of today will be joining the professional workforce in 2040. We have no idea what the world will look like by that time. Yet we are all charged up to prepare our children to face the world during that time. Our children might need a wider range of competencies to navigate through challenges in a future globalised economy. M......

  • June 16 2015


How many Extra Curricular activities does your child really need

When mommies meet, they talk about school and they talk about the talents of their kids. A lot of kids I know are super talented. They play every kind of sports, can sing, dance, draw and do pretty much everything. Makes other mommies a tad jealous. 
So I find myself kids really need so much 'talent'? Is it really necessary for the child to learn to play the piano, sing, paint, play cricket, swim and dance all at the same time? Doesn't the child need rest......

  • June 16 2015


What is the effect of dance on your kids?

Kids enjoy dancing and moving to a rhythm almost seems like second nature to our kids. When this movement is structured and performed with an intent and awareness, it transforms to dance.
Dance is one of the most basic forms of self-expression and children embrace the joy of dancing to a beat. However, as our kids grow older and studies start taking priority, kids are forced to relegate their dancing shoes in a corner. During this period other extracurricular activities suc......