Everything we do today and how we are working towards our ambition of meeting our customers’ needs better
Getting more exercise
Following a healthy diet
Focusing on self-care
Reading more books…are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions you might be making for several years in a row!
When just a few days are left for the arrival of New Year, you might be reflecting on the year gone by, and resolutions to make for the upcoming year. Amidst all these, did you forget an essential sphere of life you must ......
November 12 2018
She is smart.
She is educated.
She, a modern woman, is holding multiple positions of responsibility.
She is earning well.
She is balancing her professional and personal life like a boss.
Still, a major fraction of Indian women shy away from taking financial decisions, and at times, they prefer to depend on their fathers, brothers, husbands or other male members in the family for the......
November 6 2018
The festive season has begun, and it is that time of the year again when you have received the much awaited Diwali Bonus! So how are you planning on using it- Impulsive shopping? Purchasing loads of unnecessary gifts? Or just letting it rest in your bank accounts?
Here we are, with some smarter ways in which we would recommend you to spend your bonuses.
And of course we wish you all the most Happy Diwali!......
October 31 2018
Diwali- it’s that time of year again when it becomes difficult for you to escape the glitters of promotions, tempting sale offers, mega discounts and the lure of unbelievable prices. With Diwali bonus in hand, retailers ready to oblige, and offers and discounts swirling all around, it is easy to get tempted and go on a shopping spree. With festivity in its full swing, it is okay to splurge a little and pamper yourself and your loved ones with gifts. At the same time, it is also es......
October 17 2018
দুর্গা পূজা বা নবরাত্রি সবগুত্রি ত্রিন্দুউৎসববর মবযে অনেতম গুরুত্বপূর্গএবং সম্মাত্রনত। ভারবতর সবগি পাত্রিত এই উৎসবে দদবী দুর্গার নয়টি রূবপর নয়টি রাত যবর আনুষ্ঠাত্রনক উপাসনা জত্র়িত এবং ভারবতর ত্রবত্রভন্ন অংবে এটি ত্রবত্রভন্নভাবব পাত্রিত িয়। এই উৎসবটি আত্রিন মাবস, সাযারর্তঃ দসবেম্বর বা অবটাবর মাবস পব়ি এবং এটি শুযুমাি ভারত নয় বরং প্রত্রতববেী দদেগুত্রিবতও বোপক জনত্রপ্রয়।
দুর্গা অষ্টমী - অষ্টম ত্রদন
December 7 2018