Investment Planning- How to Buy Saving Plan, Investment Planning Tips | Aviva India Skip to main content

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Team Aviva
  • June 29 2022


Reasons Why You Should Invest in ULIPs

Unit linked insurance plans are life insurance policies that come with an added advantage of market-linked returns. ULIPs are one of the best investment options for those who are looking for investment returns from their insurance policies.


Besides their return potential, ULIPs have various advantages which make them one of the best investment options. Given below are some reasons why investing in ULIPs makes sense –

  • Added insur......

Team Aviva
  • May 17 2022


How to Ensure a Regular Income Stream for Your Family?

If you are one of the principal providers of your family's income, it comes with the duty of ensuring that this income is sustained for your family even when you might not be around. For your dependants to suddenly take over when you are no more around, could be very overwhelming, and so having a plan to ensure they don;t stress more is of high importance.


It is noticed that working professionals  invest in a MORE

Team Aviva
  • March 31 2022


Team Aviva
  • March 28 2022


How to Build Wealth - Simple Steps you should follow to Generate Wealth

Who doesn’t want to be wealthy? The financial security that comes with being wealthy ensures that your financial goals are taken care of and that you can face any challenge that life throws your way.

How do you become wealthy? Do you earn more or do you save more?

Confused? Don’t be. Wealth creation is not a tricky task once you know how you can do it. So, here are some simple steps to build your wealth, effectively –

  • Cut down on unnec......

Team Aviva
  • March 22 2022


Section 80G: Income Tax Deductions for Donations

Aesop said, ‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted’. He highlights the importance of charity and how a small act can make a big difference in someone’s life.

Charitable acts are rewarding, both for the donor and the done. While the donor gets the much-needed help, the donor gets mental and emotional satisfaction, not to mention the blessings. Moreover, the Income Tax Act, 1961 also provides financial rewards to donors on their charitable c......