Term Insurance for Stay-at-Home Parents – term insurance is usually provided to earning population | Aviva India Skip to main content

Term Insurance for Stay-at-Home Parents – term insurance is usually provided to earning population

Yet, because they do not earn a traditional income, the main question arises: why should they invest in term insurance? 

The answer lies in the primary purpose of life insurance - to ensure the family's financial stability. Stay-at-home parents dedicate their lives to caring for their families and handling all the essential tasks, including cooking, cleaning, and caregiving. The absence of a stay-at-home parent can lead to significant financial strain by virtue of outsourcing these duties, making term insurance a necessary safety net.


The Basics of Term Insurance

Term insurance is a form of life insurance providing coverage for a set period. If the policyholder dies during this term, a death benefit is paid to the nominees. 

Unlike other insurance types, basic term insurance doesn't offer a cash return if the policyholder survives the term, except in specific plans. This policy can ensure financial stability for dependents, helping them maintain their lifestyle and meet financial obligations in the event of the policyholder's death.


Advantages of Term Insurance Plans in India

Term insurance plans offer several advantages that make them a popular choice for individuals seeking life insurance coverage:

  • Cost-Effective: Term insurance plans are affordable, offering substantial life coverage for a regular premium payment.
  • Flexibility: These term insurance plans provide the option to renew the coverage based on the policyholder's changing needs without complex procedures.
  • Ease of Discontinuation: If a policyholder decides to terminate the plan, it can be done simply by stopping premium payments, avoiding a lengthy cancellation process.
  • Tax Benefits: Premiums paid towards term insurance are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961, effectively optimising tax savings.


The Stay-at-Home Parent and Term Insurance

A primary reason for purchasing term insurance plans is stability during difficult times. Stay-at-home parents play an indispensable role in nurturing their children and maintaining a harmonious household. 

Term insurance ensures that if the stay-at-home parent were to pass away, the surviving family members would receive a financial safety net. This can cover childcare costs, future educational needs, and daily expenses, allowing families to maintain stability. 

Embracing term insurance for stay-at-home parents is a proactive step to ensure their selfless dedication is cherished. 


Determining the Term Insurance Coverage for Stay-at-Home Parents

Income is a key factor when deciding the amount of term insurance coverage. Several studies indicate that when quantified in monetary terms, the tasks performed by a stay-at-home parent amount to a substantial sum annually. However, calculating the necessary coverage might seem challenging for stay-at-home parents without a traditional income.


Family Size and Childcare Costs

The number of children in a family significantly influences the coverage amount of the term plans. This is due to the increased childcare costs associated with a larger family. 

Researching the costs of childcare services, after-school care, or a babysitter in the area is essential. The term insurance coverage should be adequate to cover these costs for all children in the family until they reach an age where care is no longer required. If a spouse needs help with household tasks, these costs should also be factored into the term insurance calculation.


Future Employment Plans

If the stay-at-home parent plans to rejoin the workforce, it's important to consider the potential income for the best term plan. Therefore, the term insurance should be sufficient to replace the expected income, allowing the family to maintain their current lifestyle. By securing adequate coverage now, the insured can benefit from lower rates than if they increase coverage upon rejoining the workforce.


Financial Advisor Consultation

It's advisable to consult a financial advisor who can help assess household assets and expenses and determine the necessary term insurance coverage. They can comprehensively understand the financial needs and help make an informed decision.



Term insurance policies are vital not just for breadwinners in the family but also for stay-at-home parents. They guarantee that the family's daily routine is not disrupted and that the children's future is safe, even when life is difficult. Remember to include stay-at-home parents while deciding on the best or top-term plan. Their contribution is priceless, and their absence can put considerable financial pressure on the family.

Aviva term insurance in India provides extensive coverage and additional protection to stay-at-home parents, recognising and valuing crucial contributions they make to their families. It ensures that even if the stay-at-home parent faces an unfortunate event, their family’s financial well-being remains safeguarded, providing them peace of mind and security for a brighter future.

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