Everything we do today and how we are working towards our ambition of meeting our customers’ needs better
ज़िन्दगी अनिश्चितताओं से परिपूर्ण है। यह आपको ऐसे समय परेशानियों में डालती है, जब आपने उसके बारे में सोचा भी नहीं होता है। किसी के भी साथ, किसी भी समय, कुछ भी हो सकता है और उसके लिए आपको हमेशा अपनी तैयारी पूरी रखनी चाहिए।
बीमा एक ऐसा साधन है जिसके भरोसे आप एक निश्चिंत जीवन बिता सकते हैं। सही जीवन बीमा योजना लेने से आपकी अकस्मात् मृत्यु की स्थिति में आपके परिवार को वित्तीय सहारा मिलता है। इसके जरिय......
November 16 2017
The internet has become such an integral component of our day-to-day lives today while managing to deeply burrow itself into our social fabric that we can’t envision a life without it. Rapid changes and innovations in the world of technology have allowed people to connect in ways which weren’t possible before. The growth in the Internet base in India is simply phenomenal. Statistics reveal that India has now jumped to number two in the world today in terms of internet users (Sourc......
November 14 2017
What is Life Insurance
Life insurance is a legal contract undertaken for specific years(known as the policy term) between the insurance company and the customer (known as the insured) where the insurance company provides a life cover (known as the sum assured)on payment of a price (known as the premium) to attain the protection amount. Life insurance policy offers financial security to the insured’s dear ones by providing the sum assured in case of an untimely death of......
November 10 2017
Retirement has often been viewed as a stage in your life where you can simply relax, unwind and travel around the world. It's a phase where you can finally de-stress after a long working career. For a lot of us, that vision includes traveling, taking up a new sport, volunteering, and spending more time with our friends and family. That’s what we envision retirement to be. However, a lot of people don’t seem to factor in that these lifestyle changes are going to bring about several......
November 9 2017
As a part of the Indian culture, the tradition of gifting holds a special significance. Gifting is a special gesture that showcases the bond of love, concern, and closeness among the relations. Be it any occasion like birthday, anniversary or festivals, a perfect gift to your loved ones is always appreciated and cherished by them. Ever wondered about gifting financial security to your loved ones for a lifetime? Financial safety and independence of your family are of utmost importa......
January 5 2018