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  • September 25 2017


Why You Should Never Let Your Life Insurance Lapse

What is Life Insurance?

Life Insurance pays a lump sum of money and helps provide for your loved ones in the event, the unthinkable happens. It is specially designed to protect your family's interests and safeguard them from financial difficulties that you would have helped with if you were still around. You can't predict the future, but you can help protect yourself and your family against unforeseen circumstances.

Why shouldn’t you le......

  • September 20 2017


Dussehra: Let the Best Prevail in Your Life

I hope you’ll agree when I say, life is a vibrant rhapsody of experiences. Some days it brings to us what we need most and other days, what we despise most. Of course, though all understanding depends on one’s outlook towards living, nonetheless, one can’t ignore how these experiences help us grow as an individual. They have the power to make or break someone. 
It is almost daily that we come face to face with some obstacle be it related to work, finance, social or per......

  • September 14 2017


Durga Ashtami: Myths and Facts

Durga Puja or Navratri is one of the most important and revered of all Hindu festivals. This Pan-Indian festival involves the ceremonial worship of Goddess Durga in nine forms spread over nine nights and is celebrated in different ways across various parts of India. The festival falls in the month of Ashwin, typically September or October, and is widely popular not only in India but also in neighbouring countries. ......

  • September 12 2017


Make the Most Out of Your Insurance

The dreams & aspirations of your loved ones deserve utmost protection. Insurance is one such financial security blanket that can do just that for you! The sheer peace of mind that insurance brings cannot be calculated in any way without actually experiencing it. However, one must realize that insurance is not justa promise of lifelong goodness. If done thoughtfully, insurance is a great financial gift you can bless yourself and your famil......

  • August 2 2017


Gift your Sister Sheer Happiness on RakshaBandhan

A life insurance policy serves to be a good RakshaBandhan present. It promises to take care of critical needs in unfortunate times and is a smart addition to any portfolio

Your sister is precious to you. Why not give her a special gift this RakshaBandhan? How about setting up a life insurance policy? It will help to meet the critical financial needs of her family even when she is no more. The insurer of the life insurance policy would pay the beneficiaries a pre......