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Team Aviva
  • June 16 2022


Know The Importance of Renewing Your Term Insurance Plan

Why do you need a term insurance policy?


The importance of a term plan is well known. The policy helps in fulfilling your family’s financial goals even when you are not around. A term insurance policy, being a pure protection policy, offers a financial assistance in your absence. This assistance ensures that the income that a family loses on the death of the breadwinner is compensated by the term insurance plan.



Team Aviva
  • May 25 2022


Top 4 Ways to Save For Your Child's Education.

Saving and investing money becomes easier for parents when they have a goal in mind. One of the most important goals for parents is their children's education. It is one of the largest cash outflows to consider for a family, and with the expense of schooling in India rising rapidly, it could be a concern for most parents.


What is the education inflation rate?


The education inflation rate is a measure of how quickly educa......

Team Aviva
  • May 17 2022


How to Ensure a Regular Income Stream for Your Family?

If you are one of the principal providers of your family's income, it comes with the duty of ensuring that this income is sustained for your family even when you might not be around. For your dependants to suddenly take over when you are no more around, could be very overwhelming, and so having a plan to ensure they don;t stress more is of high importance.


It is noticed that working professionals  invest in a MORE

Team Aviva
  • May 6 2022


How To Secure Your Child's Future Through Life Insurance?

A Child Insurance policy protects your child's dreams while also providing you with the financial support you need to help them achieve their dreams. As a parent, your foremost duty is to see that all of your child's needs are addressed. If your child dreams of being a doctor, a pilot, or perhaps a musician, he/she should never have to divert from their dream due to the lack of finances. So, as a parent do you have sufficient funds to support your child’s dreams and ambitions?

Team Aviva
  • April 22 2022


Benefits of Early Retirement Planning

“Early bird gets the worm first.”

When it comes to investments, this adage rings true. It's simple: the sooner you invest, the longer you have to stay involved, and the more likely you are to maximize your returns. Most people in their early twenties, on the other hand, do not consider retirement. It's critical to take control of your retirement planning and get started as soon as possible.
