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Team Aviva
  • November 13 2018


Brighten up your child’s future this Children’s Day!

Did you know that Children’s Day wasn’t always celebrated on 14th November? Earlier, it was celebrated on 20th November - a day which the UN observed as Universal Children’s Day. But it was after the death of India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru in 1964 - who was born on November 14, 1889 - that India started celebrating Children’s Day on his birthday to commemorate him.

The reasons for this are well known among everybody today - Jawaharlal Nehru was popularly ......

Team Aviva
  • November 12 2018


Are We Conveniently Relying on Our Men for Financial Decisions?

She is smart.

She is educated.

She, a modern woman, is holding multiple positions of responsibility.

She is earning well.

She is balancing her professional and personal life like a boss.

Still, a major fraction of Indian women shy away from taking financial decisions, and at times, they prefer to depend on their fathers, brothers, husbands or other male members in the family for the......

Team Aviva
  • November 12 2018


Children's Day: Celebrate Your Child's Right to Choose a Career

Being a parent is the greatest gift of life.

What would most parents wish for their children?

If we ask you this question, answers naturally coming to your mind would be – health, happiness, moral values, education, a comfortable life and so on.

But, on the contrary, when it comes to children’s future, most parents in India rank professional success more impo......

Team Aviva
  • November 9 2018


Insurance landscape – How insurance in India has evolved over the years?

A man who dies without adequate life insurance should have to come back and see the mess he created. – Will Rogers

This earliest traces of insurance in India can be found in the writings of Manu (Manusmrtithi), Yagnavalkya (Dharasastra), and Kautilya (Arthasastra). The writings talk about pooling resources that can be re-distributed in the times of disasters, like floods, famine, epidemics. This can be referred to as the precursor to mo......

Team Aviva
  • November 6 2018


5 Best Ways to Spend Your Diwali Bonus


The festive season has begun, and it is that time of the year again when you have received the much awaited Diwali Bonus! So how are you planning on using it- Impulsive shopping? Purchasing loads of unnecessary gifts? Or just letting it rest in your bank accounts?

Here we are, with some smarter ways in which we would recommend you to spend your bonuses.   

And of course we wish you all the most Happy Diwali!......