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Everything we do today and how we are working towards our ambition of meeting our customers’ needs better

Team Aviva
  • June 22 2020


Investment ideas during the Coronavirus pandemic

The year 2020 is going to be hard to forget. (Also, hard to memorize, for kids taking their board exams 50 years later).

The Covid-19 pandemic has, in many ways, unveiled the world and all the supposed safety we thought it brings. It has pulled the reins of economies around the globe, locked down countries far and wide, and made people lose their jobs.

January 2020 was the time when news about this virus started floating. Back then, none of us could’ve......

Team Aviva
  • June 20 2020


Financial mistakes every parent must avoid

When it comes to your children, the sky's the limit. A part of you wants to shower them with all the luxuries in the world - everything you didn’t get, and then some more. But at what cost? Where do you draw the line? How much is too much, and how little is too little? You don’t want them growing up to be irresponsible with money - or too frugal. You want to provide them with a safety net - but not so much that they become dependent on it for survival! What to do?!

As a ......

Team Aviva
  • April 22 2020


Team Aviva
  • April 21 2020


ITR Filing Deadline Extended: Here is What You Need to Know

Giving much relief to individuals during lockdown due to Coronavirus pandemic, the Government has decided to extend the deadline for Income Tax Return (ITR) and has revised the tax return timeline for the financial year 2018-19 from belated 31st March 2020 to 30th June 2020.

Considering the hardships people are facing due to COVID-19, experts have welcomed the relief measures announced by the finance minister.

Here are the essential points you ne......

Team Aviva
  • April 13 2020


Work-from-Home: What does newly transformed Indian workforce need to know?

With the world under the shadow of the Corona Virus pandemic, millions of businesses are now pushed to manage a remote workforce. From the UK to the US, Japan to India, multiple global companies, in the past few weeks, have already rolled out mandatory work-from-home policies during the lockdown.

Needless to say, companies who never granted even a single work from home day to their employees had to be content with the prospect of managing their entire workforce remotely.......