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Everything we do today and how we are working towards our ambition of meeting our customers’ needs better

Team Aviva
  • January 17 2020


Hello 2020, Hello Life!

Have you ever been on a roller coaster?

If you have been never been to one, we suggest you give it a shot (Of course, at your own risk!).Even if you don’t like the ride (who knows you would thank us later for the encouragement), it will help you understand the philosophy of life on a deeper level. Now, coming back to all those who have enjoyed (or unintentionally disrelished!) a roller coaster ride.

How doe......

Team Aviva
  • November 13 2019


Children’s Day Special: 20 Fun Questions + A Serious Investment

We all remember those ‘80s and ‘90s Bollywood movies, right? The ones where struggling mothers played by Rakhee or Nirupa Roy fight to give the best to their mostly-born-in-poverty children?

However, if you are reading this, then we can safely say that you are none of these age-old golden actresses and can, in fact, with a bit of planning (and budgeting) give the best to your children. Same goes for  fathers ofcourse! Today, most urban parents are in a position to s......

Team Aviva
  • November 1 2019


6 Step Guide to Planning Investments Better

Investing is not a mere formality where you blindly put in your money in the ‘hot schemes’ and forget it while speculating growth. Your personal finances and investments deserve a careful analysis, especially when it comes to tax saving and projected returns in the future. However, many investors tend to follow the herd’s way when it comes to investment in India, losing crucial time and potentially higher returns vis-a-via tax savings.

So, it is time to level-up your inv......

Team Aviva
  • October 31 2019


बीमाकृत होने के लिए मिलेनिअल का मार्गदर्शन

बीमाकृत होने के लिए मिलेनिअल का मार्गदर्शन

मिलेनिअल्स कई बार उनकी अपनाई गयी जीवन शैली को लेकर शर्मिंदा किये जाते हैं। एक मिलेनिअल के लिए प्राथमिकता स्पेक्ट्रम अलग तरीके से बनायी जाती है क्यूंकि ज्यादातर इनमें से कई आर्थिक कठिनाइयों से गुज़रते हैं- मुंहतोड़ छात्र ऋण का सामना करने से लेकर अपनी गौरवान्वित इन्स्टा लाइफ को जीने की कोशिश करने तक। इन सब के बीच, सही बीमा होना, या फिर कोई भी बीमा होना प्राथमिकता नहीं रह जाती है।

“मैं जीवन बीमा लेकर क्या......

Team Aviva
  • October 31 2019


6 Best Monthly Income Schemes In India

Struggling to hold on to a job? Nothing palatable coming your way?

Don’t sweat it, there are plenty of ways to ensure that you earn a stable monthly income. Wondering what are we talking about?

The topic of the day is monthly income schemes folks!

Often it so happens that your business or job fails to provide you with the monetary satisfaction you crave. Or it may even be that you’re in between jobs and in need of financial stability. What course do y......