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Everything we do today and how we are working towards our ambition of meeting our customers’ needs better

Team Aviva
  • October 11 2019


How to Find the Most Suitable Life Insurance Plan based On Your Goals?

What is the best plan to fulfill your child’s life goals?


Is ULIP suitable for investment purpose?


Which term plan is best?


Do you know the answers to all these questions?

When it comes to choosing the most suitable life insurance plan, there is an array of options to choose from. Some peo......

Team Aviva
  • October 11 2019


The secret to a longer, healthier life

Who wouldn’t want to hack this code right?


On 29th September 2019, the world celebrated World Heart Day, and we are here to tell you what you probably have heard most Guru’s, social media influencers and your spiritually connected neighbor say. You probably have heard them, but not LISTENED to them. The answer that is closest to ful......

Team Aviva
  • October 11 2019


Can I buy more than one Term Insurance for myself?

Each Indian household has a robust internal disaster management system. Grandparents travel with their medicine kit no matter where they go. Parents fully charge their cellphones before going to any event. Chachiji insists on clicking enough photos so that there are multiple options for everyone’s display picture.

And yet. Not every disaster has been prepared for. For example, if you ask your parents whether they have written their will, the answer will be a horrified ex......

Team Aviva
  • September 29 2019


Team Aviva
  • September 23 2019


Why the Youth Must Understand the Importance of Insurance

The 20’s are a time of incredible changes and growing up a.k.a adulting. You land a job, start a business, move out, get into a stable long-term relationship, do some of these things, or maybe none of them. In all of this hullaballoo, though, one thing is forgotten- managing your finances like a pro. Sure, you would be stocking up on your monthly savings. But, is it enough? Are insurance plans really crucial?

In lieu of the International Youth Day celebrated in ......