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Team Aviva
  • July 30 2019


Friendships Day Gift for your Spouse: How about a Healthy & Happy Heart?

Friedrich Nietzsche famously said: “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”

And married couples will agree. It is not the fire of passion or the flames of love that keep a domestic household thriving and going peacefully. It is a thing much simpler and much easier to find- friendship and companionship of the warmest kind.

After marriage, you might not have as big a social circle as you did in your ba......

Team Aviva
  • July 30 2019


Why budget for Life Insurance & how to do it like a boss: A Step by Step Guide

Let’s call out the elephant in the room straight away- many of us are simply not good at budgeting. And the idea of putting aside money for life insurance plans when we are oh-so-young-that-we-surely-can’t-die seems kind of unnecessary.

But, starting a life insurance policy offers tonnes of benefits which you might look back on regretfully if you were to purchase the policy at a later date.

So whether you have already purchased a number of life insurance plans ......

Team Aviva
  • July 30 2019


Women: Why you need to take charge of Financial Decisions for yourselves?

Some 90% of women will be solely responsible for their finances at some point in their life. By 2020, women are expected to control $72 trillion, or 32% of all wealth globally, up from $51 trillion in 2015. – CNBC, 2019

Gone are the days when women used to stand aloof from money matters. Modern women are breaking age-old barriers, and financial independence is one of them. With improved participation of women in the workforce,......

Team Aviva
  • July 24 2019


Best Ways to Invest in your Child’s Education

“Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and most of all, enthusiastic parents with high expectations.” - Bob Beauprez

Raising children is one of the toughest jobs that you can ever do. As soon as that little human enters your world, various dynamics of your world shift to fit the needs and wants of your child. You want to be sufficient enough to be able to fulfil all your dut......

Team Aviva
  • July 24 2019


Insurance must-haves for Freelancers

Freelancers are often associated with this laid back attitude, as they can work at their own pace. The common joke that runs on the freelance community is that it is the only job where one can work in their underwear, and no one would mind. But anyone who has had the blessing of watching Channing Tatum in Magic Mike will disagree.

Sure, as a freelancer you are free to decide your “work wardrobe”, get to work on projects that you like, have the freedom to set your schedul......