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Team Aviva
  • June 14 2019


Women's guide to Building Long-term Wealth

56.67% of the women entrepreneurs are sole decision makers of their finances while 38.71% take decisions with their spouse, father or significant other. - Success Strategies of Women Entrepreneurs by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Indian Women Network

Modern Indian women are shattering the glass ceiling in almost all the fields we can imagine. Be it to meet household responsibilities or workpla......

Team Aviva
  • June 14 2019


4 Things Parents can do in this Summer Vacation to Groom their Child for the Future

There is something that we, adults, can sometimes feel when living by the norms of this world. It is the tiresome feeling of ‘inadequate skills’ that our mind constantly reminds us of. Mind you, this feeling of lacking ‘crucial’ skills has nothing to do with one’s success or mediocrity. Rather, it varies with our definition of ‘crucial’ as we grow into the people we are today. Take for example a very rich business man who wishes he had more sociable and outgoing personality. Or, t......

Team Aviva
  • June 14 2019


6 Summer Vacation Activities for Overall development of Young Scholars

Sunny and warm, summer is already here!

Time for children to take a break from school life and enjoy some fun Times!

Simultaneously, being a parent, you may be worried about what your kids goofing around in sheer boredom during school holidays. Will they be glued to TV or play stations all summer? The challenge is to keep them entertained, actively inviovled in productive activites as well as out of trouble.

As your children will be spending months of......

Team Aviva
  • June 13 2019


How To Choose The Right Insurance Company?

When it comes to investing in insurance policies, the company matters just as much as the policy. Investing in the right insurance company would mean that you won’t have to worry about receiving the entire coverage amount or missing out on any additional benefits offered.

However, most people tend to develop a tunnel vision when it comes to any form of investment, especially when buying insurance policies. Some choose to focus on just the benefits offered whereas some fo......

Team Aviva
  • June 13 2019


Financial Tips For Single Women

Financial management becomes easier when there’s a team (for example, a married couple) involved. This is because often the responsibilities are shared between spouses, which makes expenses and savings, both, easier to manage. However, for single individuals, rather single women, financial management can become a very tedious task.

With a shift in lifestyle choices, being single has increasingly become a matter of pure choice. This is especially true for women living in ......