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Everything we do today and how we are working towards our ambition of meeting our customers’ needs better

Team Aviva
  • May 13 2019


Role of women in shaping the finances of a household

It’s hard to imagine having no rights or ownership over your hard earned cash, no? Such was the reality that women had to endure for an embarrasingly long time. Oppression and suppression of women had become a way of the world- where they were expected to abide by the narrow mould that the society presented them with. Over the years, humanity became acquainted with the Postmodern age of living, which led to these morals and ethics come into the light of scepticism.

In th......

Team Aviva
  • May 13 2019


Basic Insurance Policies One Must Have

Millennials love to live in the ‘now’. To them, the uncertainties of life hold a mysterious appeal; one that should be allowed to unravel by itself. While this idea is enthralling and fascinating, what happens when the people or things precious to you are at stake? What do you do then?

Granted that it is impossible to know what’s to happen in the next moment, but you sure can be prepared for any situation life throws at you. And what better than insurance to keep you and......

Team Aviva
  • April 22 2019


How to choose the best Child Insurance plan

Becoming a parent changes everything. Your priorities no longer revolve around just your personal goals, and instead, your child takes the center stage. Every move you make, every step you take - intentionally or unintentionally, is aimed at securing and improving your child’s future.

The first step towards securing your child’s future is ensuring their financial security and stability, especially in the case of unforeseen tragedies. This leads most parents to invest in ......

Team Aviva
  • April 22 2019


Why exercising is important, especially if you have a desk job

Do you spend a good majority of your day just sitting and staring at a screen - whether at work or home? 

Do you often ditch your lunch buddies, and instead opt for a brown bagged meal, because avalanche of emails has consumed you in its madness?

If your answer is in the affirmative, you should know that these are all grave signs of a “serial sitter”. Serial sitters are otherwise known as the vast majority of our working-class people......

Team Aviva
  • April 16 2019


Online Health Insurance Plans: Why and how is digitization beneficial?

Digitalization has set its footprint in every sector globally. All aspects of your life are looking to establish and engage with their audience via a digital presence. From education to banks, and even your groceries are all available a single click away. If the world is being taken over by this wave of digitalization, then why should the insurance market get left behind?

According to 77% of medium enterprise owners, a digital presence helps with customer acquisition. Di......