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  • June 28 2018


Everything You Want to Know About a Term Plan Before Buying One

According to the Economic Survey 2018, the insurance penetration in India was reported as 3.49% in 2016-17. The number may not seem as exciting as the global insurance penetration rate of 6.28%, but looking at the past trends, it would be safe to say that an increasing number of Indians have started realising the importance of buying a term plan.

Considering the increasing awareness and demand of term plans and the doubts people are facing, we decided to come......

Team Aviva
  • June 28 2018


Planning the best future for your child!

Every parent wishes the best for their child and wants to fulfil their every need. To pave the path for a better future, they also wish that their child gets access to the best education possible. However, with spiralling education costs that are growing at a rate higher than the inflation rate, it's imperative that you plan ahead. After all, when it comes to securing the future of your children, you do not want to leave anything to chance.

Here are a few benefits of how......

  • June 22 2018


Stop ignoring the need of Insurance, start understanding it!

To put it simply, the importance of having an insurance plan – whether its’ a life insurance to safeguard your personal life or auto insurance to protect your motor vehicle ­– cannot be overstated. Having insurance is often downplayed by most people & they often cite various excuses for not getting one –claiming that nothing untoward will ever happen to them or merely terming it as a luxury......

  • June 21 2018


Six Quick Tips You Should Keep In Mind While Writing A Will


Writing a will isn't the most pleasurable of tasks as after all, death is a topic although relevant to us all, is simply something people don’t like talking about. However, writing a will is probably one of the most vital things you can do for your loved ones. Putting your wishes on paper helps your heirs avoid a host of unnecessary hassles, problems and hardships. Additionally, you gain the peace of mind knowing that your hard-earned wealth and worldly possession......

Team Aviva
  • June 18 2018


ULIPs as an investment proposition!

Note: For ULIP policy, the investment risk in the investment portfolio is borne by the Policyholder. The linked Insurance Products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year.

Benefits of ULIPs

1.Life Cove......