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Everything we do today and how we are working towards our ambition of meeting our customers’ needs better

  • May 28 2018


Make sure you’re sufficiently covered!

Nobody plans to get sick, but unfortunate incidents happen — even to healthy people. Medical emergencies can strike anytime and can put your finances under considerable stress. In such cases, planning in advance is the best thing to do.As per data released from National Health Profile (NHP) in 2017, only 27 per cent Indians have some sort of health coverage. Unfortunately, today healthcare has become increasingly unaffordable so much so that India has the highest rate of medical i......

  • May 28 2018


Actor, pilot, doctor or architect? Secure your child’s financial future today!

What do your children want to be when they grow up? Whether your child has showcased a mega interest towards becoming a doctor or alternatively, looking to etch a career as an architect, parents are always keen to find out where their child’s strengths and interests lie.

All parents hope that their child can get the best possible childhood along with a safe and secure future. As children grow up, so do their dreams. For instance, if your child initially harbored ambition......

  • May 28 2018


Why Life Insurance may not seem important but actually is?

Budgeting and taking expenses into perspective is a great idea to keep your spending habits under control. Tightening your purses, however, can invariably lead to a tricky situation wherein you're often left scratching your head trying to figure out which expenses require to be kept under check while considering which ones are worth investing in. In that regard, there are certain expenses which are best opted for when the time is right instead of procrastinating and pushing it to ......

  • May 25 2018


Everything You Should Know About the Nipah Virus Outbreak

The Kerala health department is on a high alert as the deadly Nipah virus has caused a public health scare. While little is known about the Nipah virus in India, it is spreading fast in the region and has a reported mortality rate of 70 percent. The first case of Nipah virus was reported in 1998 in Malaysia. It was primarily caused in pigs and transferred to humans. Nipah Virus is not an airborne transmission infection, and only affects those who come in direct contact with the in......

Team Aviva
  • May 24 2018


Protecting your loved ones and safeguarding your family’s interests

Every day, there is a change happening in our world. In fact, the changes are so profound and so quick that most people don’t even have enough time to process this change. However, in this day and age when you're busy trying to keep up with everyday demands, you seldom have the time to think about what might happen well into the future—or for that matter even the very next day.

Having said that, no matter how uncertain "the future" might be, you would still want to do ev......