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  • January 31 2018


How to plan for your child’s future education expenses?

As a parent, the birth of a child is undoubtedly one of the most important events in one’s life. There is nothing you wouldn’t do to shower your baby with love and affection and protect and care for your little one. The moment a child is born into this world, the one relation that probably is long-lasting and holds the most importance is the bond that parents share with their children.

When you’ve have this child with so much potential and with their entire lives in......

  • January 29 2018


Is Term Insurance For Me?

Term life insurance is a pure protection plan, which pays a predetermined sum (sum assured) if something untoward were to happen to you (the insured) during the policy term period. As the insured, you usually pay a premium at regular intervals (monthly/quarterly/bi-annually/annually) and in the event of your unfortunate demise, the insurance provider, pays the sum assured to the named beneficiary or the nominee

While you might not have absolute control over everything th......

  • January 18 2018


Parenting 101: A Parenting Guide

Being a parent and raising children is undoubtedly, one of the most fulfilling experiences any individual can experience. The bond between a parent and child is special and unique and although it does entail a lot of patience and hard work, the payback is incredibly wonderful and extremely joyful, to say the least. It’s often said that few human challenges are greater than that of being good parents while few opportunities offer greater potential for joy.

However, childr......

  • January 11 2018


Which Life Insurance Policy will fit you the best?

Life Insurance - A Solution Today, for Tomorrow’s Needs

We often lead busy lives, carefully juggling our work responsibilities with the time we can spend doing what we love with our family. Therefore, it's important to financially protect yourself and those who are the closest to you. Life Insurance essentially acts as a contract between the insured(you) and an insurance company(insurer), where the insurer promises to pay a sum of money in exchange for a premium, in ca......

  • January 8 2018


The Everyday Superhero: How women juggle multiple roles everywhere, everyday

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In today’s fast-paced world, getting women insured is the first step towards making them feel respected, valued and secure.

Every day, before Kavita Sharma (36) leaves for work, she ensures that her two children are safely off to school, and her husband has his breakfast laid out on the table. Her responsibilities don’t end there. As soon as Kavita, a Noida-based schoolteacher, returns home, she tidies up the house, helps her childre......