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  • November 16 2017


Buy Online to Get your life insured at click of your mouse

The internet has become such an integral component of our day-to-day lives today while managing to deeply burrow itself into our social fabric that we can’t envision a life without it. Rapid changes and innovations in the world of technology have allowed people to connect in ways which weren’t possible before. The growth in the Internet base in India is simply phenomenal. Statistics reveal that India has now jumped to number two in the world today in terms of internet users (Sourc......

  • November 14 2017


One stop guide to Life Insurance

What is Life Insurance

Life insurance is a legal contract undertaken for specific years(known as the policy term) between the insurance company and the customer (known as the insured) where the insurance company provides a life cover (known as the sum assured)on payment of a price (known as the premium) to attain the protection amount. Life insurance policy offers financial security to the insured’s dear ones by providing the sum assured in case of an untimely death of......

  • November 13 2017


This Children’s Day, Set your Kids up for Academic & Financial Success

The bond between a parent and child is the primary bond and can be considered as one of the strongest connections in nature. It doesn’t really matter whether you’re the father or mother, the love you feel towards your child is a fundamental part of you and seemingly unbreakable.

When a child enters your world, it’s a time for celebrations. It's also a time when your entire world can turn upside down as you have new financial obligations to take care off as you’re respons......

  • November 13 2017


30’s is one of the best times to buy insurance

Your 30’s can be a time of exciting possibilities as you have officially hit the next age milestone in your life. However, this also ushers in a time where you need to shoulder greater responsibility with the best parts of your life potentially still left ahead of you.

Also Read: World No Tobacco Day: Kick the butt today!

This is essentially a time when y......

  • November 10 2017


Key To A Happy Retired Life Lies In An Early Start

Retirement has often been viewed as a stage in your life where you can simply relax, unwind and travel around the world. It's a phase where you can finally de-stress after a long working career. For a lot of us, that vision includes traveling, taking up a new sport, volunteering, and spending more time with our friends and family. That’s what we envision retirement to be. However, a lot of people don’t seem to factor in that these lifestyle changes are going to bring about several......