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  • January 5 2018


बीमा टर्म प्लान के प्रीमियम की दरों को कम रखने के आसान उपाय

ज़िन्दगी अनिश्चितताओं से परिपूर्ण है। यह आपको ऐसे समय परेशानियों में डालती है, जब आपने उसके बारे में सोचा भी नहीं होता है। किसी के भी साथ, किसी भी समय, कुछ भी हो सकता है और उसके लिए आपको हमेशा अपनी तैयारी पूरी रखनी चाहिए। 

बीमा एक ऐसा साधन है जिसके भरोसे आप एक निश्चिंत जीवन बिता सकते हैं। सही जीवन बीमा योजना लेने से आपकी अकस्मात् मृत्यु की स्थिति में आपके परिवार को वित्तीय सहारा मिलता है। इसके जरिय......

  • January 3 2018


Tips To Ensure You Stick To Your Resolution For A Healthy Heart

The 1st of January every year brings with it, a renewed sense of optimism for change as we often believe a fresh start gives us a chance to reinvent our lives and ourselves. People from all around the world commit with determination to all sorts of virtuous goals, from eating healthy to losing weight and saving more money. We often keep a lookout for opportunities to wipe the proverbial slate clean and start again,  for a better life, for a better us.


  • December 13 2017


Life Insurance for Parents: Why You Need It

Most parents are always preoccupied with thoughts about their child’s health and future prospects. Right from whether their kids are eating right to whether they will get along with other kids in the school, a parent's mind is never at rest. Being a parent can be a bag of mixed emotions; it can be an amazing experience yet terrifying in equal measure. For parents, their children’s happiness means the world to them. Life insurance might not have crossed your mind before you had a c......

  • December 11 2017


5 Money Mantras You Should Share With Your Teenager For Financial Success

Parents always wish the best for their children right from the minute they step into the world. Be it the best education, best clothes, best food and the best in life, parents go out of their way to make it happen. However, invariably, a few parents tend to miss out on imparting in them one of the most valuable life lessons, the importance of money.

Children often look up to their parents for almost everything and financial lessons are an integral part of this learning j......

  • December 4 2017


Tips to Stay Safe and Cope With Air Pollution

While the world is steadily becoming a cleaner place to live in, India's air quality is at an all-time low which has resulted in its citizens grappling with a myriad of health issues. Even China, which has been consistently ranked as the world's largest polluter has managed to clean up its act. Statistics released by NASA satellite data have revealed that air pollution levels in China have dipped by about 17 percent between the years 2010 and 2015. On the other hand, air pollution......